Strive Chiropractic Blog
5 Core Exercises To Beat Back Pain in Newport Beach CA
Nagging lower back pain is incredibly common. Yet, many people accept it as a new way of life. Or, perhaps just a part of gradually getting older. That doesn’t need to be the case. And, what a shame it would be to just accept pain into your day-to-day life! Sometimes, lower back pain stems from…
What Knee Pain in Active Adolescents Can Really Mean in Newport Beach CA
Is your child active but struggling with knee pain, in one or both knees? Or does the pain seem to spike after a particularly hard soccer practice or basketball game, accompanied by increased swelling and tenderness around the kneecap? And sometimes, you might even notice an irritated bump below the kneecap also appears, then subsides…
Working From Home Can Be A Pain In The Neck in Newport Beach CA
Casual Fridays, every day?! Sign us up! If you’re newer to the work-from-home phenomenon, it’s completely normal to enjoy some of the more casual perks. Who needs to get fully dressed, when chances are, the most someone will see of you all day is from the waist up on your Zoom video calls? Kidding (and…
What Chronic Headaches And Dizziness Could Really Mean in Newport Beach CA
Headaches and migraines. Dizziness. Sinus pressure. Facial, neck, and ear pain. Many people live with these recurring nuisances and simply try to manage symptoms when they flare up, brushing them off as pesky, yet unavoidable, intruders— but don’t be too quick to dismiss them. Though many of these unwelcome symptoms may initially not sound like…
Use These Simple Remedies To Overcome Trigger Finger in Newport Beach CA
Does your finger ever get “stuck” or feel locked up? It may happen during the simplest everyday tasks that used to be second nature– like tying a shoe or opening a can. Perhaps you hear some “clicking,” feel some discomfort, and then…it’s locked. If you’ve experienced this pesky phenomenon, you may have a condition that’s…
7 Common Causes Of Sciatica Pain in Newport Beach CA
Constant hip pain. Pain and numbness that runs down the back of the legs. Pain and tingling in the center of your butt. If you can relate, chances are you’ve been suffering from sciatica pain on some level. Though sciatica pain is actually incredibly common in Newport Beach CA, affecting around 40% of adults, it…